While it is true that the location of non-habitable planets doesn't matter much in a solar system where a possible planet for an alien civilization exists, there is a significant exception: Climate effects. When a planet co-exists in a solar system with other planets, they exchange angular momentum, which translates into a change in the semi-major axis of rotation. This means that in a stable, resonant planetary system, planets will slowly drift in and away from the star, not very far, but far enough to possibly trigger climate change. And climate change caused by this oscillation in average radius may be almost negligible, or it may be near a threshold where an instability in the climate system on the planet flips from one condition to another.
The obvious one is Ice Ages, but it is not the only one. It is, however, an easy example to discuss. Ice Ages happen because the absorbed solar energy is less because the average rotational radius from the star, averaged over a hundred thousand years or so, is a bit larger than it had been before the Ice Age started, plus there are important feedback effects. Energy absorption depends on the amount of energy emitted and its spectrum, the reflection and absorption in the atmosphere of the planet, and the fraction absorbed by the surface.
Feedback effects come from the average albedo of the planet, which measures the fraction of energy reflected. When the planet gets a little colder, ice forms, which has a high reflective coefficient for visible light, where much of the energy in a mid-level star exists. A little ice means less absorption, and a colder planet, and more ice – starting the feedback loop. The final state of this loop is the peak of an Ice Age. This final point might be a saturation point, where almost all the available water is frozen, or where the convection of heat away from the warmer equator is insufficient to cool the equatorial regions down to freezing. There might also be a timing question, where the time necessary to freeze the planet is of the same order as the time for orbital change.
Consider a second example. The second feedback effect is much more difficult to detect eons later and has been given no name at all by Earth scientists, and may not be recognized as such. It is when the albedo of a planet is increased not by snow and ice, but by cloud cover. Clouds also reflect solar energy more than rock or other terrain, and once they begin to cool a planet, a “Cloud Age” might occur. Clouds occur at altitudes where there is sufficient moisture, but insufficient heat. High clouds do not lead to rain as low clouds do, but they do reflect well. Unfortunately for science, clouds leave little geological record.
Atmospheres with different compositions may have different types of clouds, and these may also have albedo effects. Atmospheric compositions on exo-planet has not been thoroughly examined, but it seems likely that some constituents might be present in an atmosphere and still have life supported.
Quite naturally, the opposite to an Ice Age might occur when the planet gets shunted in a bit closer to the star, all the ice having been long ago melted and all the high-altitude clouds dissipated. Life starts dying because of thermal effects, and when animal life is migratory but vegetation is not. If vegetation dies off over large areas, one area, a desert forms and less carbon dioxide is recycled back to oxygen. With more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, heat is trapped near the surface, raising the surface temperature more, killing off more vegetation. Good numbers for this effect might well show it is much less powerful that the other two.
The effects that an Ice Age, and possibly a 'Cloud Age' and a 'Heat Age', to coin a term, would have on an emerging alien civilization are evident. These phenomena would lead to a large reduction in the surface area able to support vegetative life. If a civilization was still dependent on agriculture for its nutrition, or if there was a pre-civilization, perhaps at the pre-city stage, it could be doomed. For the Ice or Cloud Ages, if there was some small area near the equator still not completely blocked off, the numbers of survivors would be limited, and civilization would be stymied. Ice ages on Earth have lasted millions of years, and no civilization could be expected to survive this. Heat Ages would force population to the poles.
But the time scales are not commensurate. Civilizations can be estimated to last of the order of a million years, meaning that they could come into existence during the interregnum of a climate extreme survive, flourish, come to visit Earth if they wish and find it possible, and then disappear before the next extreme starts. These epochs are controlled by the interactions of planets, shuffling angular momentum between one another and slightly shifting their orbital radii. A question which might be answered in short order is: In which type of configuration of planets would there be periods this long between these catastrophic ages, and in which type of configurations, if any, would they be too short to permit a civilization to develop? Knowing how to translate the duration between climate extremes to planetary configurations would immediately tell us which configurations are worth examining in great detail on our hunt for alien life.
These types of calculations can be done now, but there is no clear understanding yet of what to look for. This means that large numbers of scenarios would have to be computed, until a pattern emerged, and the ensemble of possibilities could be winnowed down. Maybe the key variables involve the existence of two gas giants in some particular relationship, orbit-wise, and once this is established, other planetary resonances correspondingly exist and can hold planets. If one of these resonance bands is of the right thermal characteristics, and a potential host of other variables are within some ranges, we might be able to say that some particular planet, out of the millions which will be detected over the next century or two, are 'life-possibles', and deserve a great deal of specialized attention.
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