In order for an alien species to proceed upward through the various stages of technological development, finally arriving at the top level, asymptotic technology, where it might start a starflight project, it has to have access to resources of many types. Energy sources are of course on the list, as without abundant easy-to-obtain sources of energy, the aliens cannot move into the industrial phase of development. Without large areas of fertile soils, they cannot even get far into the agricultural phase, and are forced to languish in the stone age until they become extinct.
There are more. The industrial era needs some mineral resources, such as iron and other metals, and as the age progresses, more and more elements and compounds are needed. The history of technology on Earth might be written as a history of materials and their availability, and it is the same for any alien species on an exo-planet. For example, one cannot have the massive computational capability needed to move into the artificial intelligence phase unless there are the unique materials needed for processors and memories, as well as other electronic components. On Earth, we started with vacuum tubes, which only require some glass, tungsten, copper and maybe a few more. But one cannot get far into heavy duty computation without the invention and deployment of transistors.
Where do all these materials come from? Some are directly obtained from mining, and others are produced from mined ores and their derivates. Hydrocarbons have to be included as a mined material, as many products include hydrocarbon derivates. Would these all be available on every exo-planet?
Not all dust clouds in the galaxy are equal. Before a star condenses and forms a system of exo-planets, it receives the residue from some supernova explosions, which are the accepted generator of higher atomic number elements. A huge tsunami of neutrons comes rushing out of the stellar implosion, and these build up existing elements to ones higher in atomic number. A particular gas cloud, prior to condensing to a star and a planetary disk, might have had a large number of large supernova and therefore be very rich in elements, or it might have not been so fortunate, and the star condenses with a planetary ring having little iron and the whole slew of other useful elements in it. This means the planets cannot have rich resources for any alien species which develops intelligence on one of them. It is not clear why an alien species could not develop on such a planet, so it could be what we call an origin planet, but it is one which will never have an alien civilization that could build a starship to come and visit Earth.
We should do some surveys, if we haven't already, and see if the galaxy around us is filled with very rich-in-resources clouds or if there are some that are and some that are not. That is one piece of astronomy which would help answer the resource availability question, but it is not the only one needed.
The other half of this question involves the accessibility of resources. Suppose we have a planet which condensed from the inner part of the disk where there were lots of resources, and the free hydrogen and helium all escaped, leaving a planet like proto-Earth. Does geological separation into the crust automatically follow? The planet upon condensing would be molten, from the huge release of gravitational energy, and it would be radiating its energy outwards as heat, gradually cooling. The outer surface of the molten droplet would get cooler faster, as the cooling happens faster than the conduction of heat from the interior. So a crust forms, but does it have separated ores? Ores need to be separated to a large degree, or they are inaccessible to the aliens.
If we had, on Earth, exactly the same set of elements in the crust, except they were not separated out but the crust was fairly homogeneous with a little of this and a little of that, in roughly the same proportions, everywhere, there would be no use in mining. There would be no point in searching all over the planet for some concentrated source of some industially important material, as it would be everywhere in tiny concetrations and nowhere in large concentration. Thus geological separation of various ores is a critical and mandatory requirement for the development of an advanced alien civilization.
We have one example to examine: Earth. We need to know if Earth is unique or ordinary, as far as geological separation is concerned. There can certainly be all kinds of degrees of this, so ordinary covers a huge plethora of types. There could be an exo-planet, with an even higher degree of separation, so at different points on the surface of the crust, there would be mountains of cobalt ore, or mountains of germanium ore, and more and more. Or it could be that an exo-planet has the same ores as Earth, but they are just smaller in amount, and harder to obtain. There is a question of the cost of accessing these ores. They produce some benefit to the alien society, at whatever stage in technology development it has reached, and if the benefits are small compared to the cost of mining, processing, refining and transporting them, they would not be mined. The society would not have them around to develop new applications and new technological uses, and therefore new technology. With costs of obtaining resources prohibitive, it is just as bad as if the primordial gas cloud was less rich.
Do we understand the process of geological separation of ores, quantitatively, so that we can compute some estimates of the existence of large, low-cost deposits on other exo-planets? When condensation happens, everything is mixed together, and immiscibility in the molten drop, perhaps mostly of iron and those elements which mix well with it, will lead to a separation. The ores which separate out, condensing somewhere in the molten planet, and which have density lower than that of the drop itself, will rise up to the crust, where cooling is taking place. These bubbles of molten ore might reach the crust anywhere, so the crust could have any type of ore anywhere. How big do the bubbles, which are concentrated in a few elements, specifically metals, with some carbonate or sulfate or other anion attached, get? The ones which are lower in density move upwards faster, but do they have time to grow larger? The slower the rise to the crust, the longer the time for a bubble of ore to grow. Several ores might be tangled together, leading to a mixed ore region, but that might actually help in the cost of accessing them. If the crust cools too fast, they don't rise up to near the surface, but are stuck below where they are too deep to practically dig out. What would keep a proto-planet from cooling to fast? Tidal friction from a large moon, in close.
The Earth, as far as we can tell now, is unique in that its moon is a large mass fraction compare to other satellite-to-planet ratios. Did the tidal heating from the moon, shortly after it was formed in a planetesimal impact on the proto-Earth, keep the crust hotter and thinner so that ores could form in large volumes more easily? If this is so, there might not be only one reason why a large moon is necessary for an advanced alien civilization but two: life originates with the moon's influence and ores form in larger quantities with the moon's influence. What an astronomical coincidence...
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