Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Rain and Life

When we are searching exoplanets for life, one of the premier signals is supposed to be the presence of oxygen. Oxygen typically is chemically combined unless it is renewed, and vegetative life provides this renewal. As all schoolchildren know, photosynthesis involves chlorophyll acting as a catalyst to break carbon dioxide into oxygen, which is released, and carbon which is utilized. But photosynthesis can be done in the oceans by near-surface plants, and while life in oceans would be tremendously interesting, life on land would be even more tremendously interesting. It is very hard to see how intelligent civilizations could evolve underwater, but on land, there is the possibility.

Thus, oxygen might be a great signature for life, vegetative specifically, but not so certain an indicator for alien civilizations. What might be used in addition?

It is certainly worth asking the question. Just consider that a hundred years from now we find ourselves in a galaxy with thousands of planets with life, but all of it wet. Now consider instead of that situation, we are in a galaxy with even hundreds of planets with alien civilizations. Orders of magnitude more interesting.

So, what is beyond oxygen as a signature of life on land? Trivially, there must be dry land, and that would have some reflective signature. Rock doesn't look like water when reflecting sunlight. But just having rock doesn't imply that there is anything living on it. There needs to be some preconditions before life can crawl out of the oceans and take up habitation on dry land. One is rain.

Life needs water. It doesn't need to be immersed in it, but it needs to have it to drink. Water evaporates, and water on land needs to be renewed. That means rain. Water evaporates from the oceans, drifts over the land, condenses into droplets and falls to the ground. There aren't too many other possible mechanisms. One could consider tidal flooding, which might produce wet areas, but if the ocean has dissolved some minerals from the rock, like salt, it might not be drinkable. If there was a lot of volcanic action, possibly someone could come up with a process that, on some suitable planet, might pump water, distill it in the volcanic heat, let it condense elsewhere, and expel it into a river. This complicated a mechanism doesn't seem likely, at least during the later life of the planet. So it is rain that is the mandatory precondition for an alien civilization and for animal life on land as well.

Detecting water vapor in the atmosphere might be the first surrogate for detecting rain. On Earth, water vapor is at a much lower concentration than oxygen, and therefore more difficult to detect; but it is not impossible to foresee that that would be a further step in astronomical capability, once oxygen was detectable. Carbon dioxide might be detectable first, or some other compound or element, such as argon, but eventually water vapor would succumb to astrophysical technology. These gases would likely first be detected for a transiting planet, where the light of the parent star shines through the atmosphere and gets spectrally absorbed. Later they might be detected from reflected light.

Rain would have to be either a local phenomenon, evaporating over most of the ocean area, and then precipitating on some region, or else a seasonal phenomenon, evaporating during one season of the year, and precipitating during another. Wet ground has little difference in albedo than dry ground, however, so even if telescopes grew sufficiently in aperture to see different parts of the exoplanet, seeing wet areas would be quite difficult. But if there was sufficient temperature range on the planet, and there was snow, then a significant albedo change might be detected. This would be even easier in the seasonal case, where evaporation occurred all summer and then all winter, snow happened. A planet with an elliptic orbit might produce this situation.

Another option is clouds. Rain and clouds are not the same thing, but there must be clouds to produce rain. Searching for clouds might be considerably easier that searching for rain. Clouds do change the global albedo, and monitoring for these changes would be an indicator of cloudiness, and by implication, rain.

Another variable which affects the detectability of atmospheric gases is the thickness of the atmosphere. Earth has a very thin atmosphere, about 10 km thick compared to 6000 km radius of the planet. This is to be compared to Venus, with approximately the same radius, but an atmospheric thickness of 250 km. Probably the components of Venus' atmosphere would be much easier to detect on a transiting planet. Clearly one must compare the loss of signal due to the longer transmission path with the larger cross-section of the atmosphere and the lengthened time for absorption. For a reflective signal, the loss of albedo may make the comparison go the opposite way, with thicker atmospheres being more difficult to break down into components.

One interesting question is, if there was an exoplanet with an atmosphere as thick as Venus' atmosphere but of the same composition as Earth's, would rain be possible? One might also make an assumption that the rotation rate was identical to Earth's as well. Similarly the average temperature would be assumed to be the same as Earth's. The vapor pressure of water is the same no matter where it is, so the amount of water in the atmosphere would be the same as Earth's, maybe a half percent on Earth on the average, with more of it at lower altitudes. On the exo-planet it would be a half a hundredth of a percent. Rain forms when the temperature of the atmosphere drops sufficiently that liquid water can form. Would the thermal inertia of a large atmosphere, with 100 times the atmospheric mass of Earth, prevent this temperature drop? Temperature drop comes from heating or cooling of the atmosphere, and a portion of the lower atmosphere gets a certain amount of heating from the solar energy passing through it, which is largely identical and a certain amount from the reflected heat from the planet. On the exoplanet, much more solar energy would be absorbed by the atmosphere, leaving the surface much darker and receiving less energy. Solar energy incident on the atmosphere would be largely identical for different longitudes, meaning much less opportunity for the temperature change that is required for rain. This possibly means that finding an exoplanet with a thick atmosphere would imply no rain, and no land lifeforms, and no alien civilization.

One hypothesis about the reason for the thinness of Earth's atmosphere is that atmospheric mass is almost unaffected by the aging of the planet, and once thin, it stays thin. If the formation of the Earth was mediated by the impact of a protoplanet, which led to the formation of our large moon, and the legacy atmospheric hypothesis is true, looking for a large moon might be the fastest way to find land life and the possibility of a civilization.

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